Since we work with a plethora of candidates every day, we see a lot of unintentional mistakes that can be sabotaging your interview! So we thought we would discuss some of the common mistakes candidates make when interviewing and how to better represent yourself!

One thing we see way too often is the candidate not dressing appropriately for the job they are interviewing for. Some clients prefer a suit and tie while others may only require a button up shirt and a nice pair of slacks. A perk of working with an mCubed recruiter is that we can provide additional insight on what a client might like and provide additional guidance on what to wear to the interview. However, a good general rule of thumb is to dress business casual. When you come in looking like you just woke up, the hopes of landing a second interview are slim to none.
TIP: This also applies to online interviews as well! Just because you are not there in person does not mean that you're off the hook!
Another thing we've noticed is candidates not coming in prepared for the interview. Whether it be online or in-person interview, it's essential you're prepared the moment the interview begins. By prepared, we mean researching the company, bringing extra copies of your resume (2-3 copies) along with something to write with, showing up on time, and preparing questions for the interviewer at the end. For online interviews, we highly suggest testing your internet connection, audio, and video prior to the interview. Preparing for the interview will not only make you stand out but allow for you to feel more comfortable walking in to the interview as well.
We notice a lot of candidates don't tend to talk about their interest in future growth as well within the company. When a potential employer asks you where you see yourself in 5 years, they are likely talking about what your professional goals would be within the company so keep the personal motivation stories for another time and try to practice your best elevator pitch!
Showing up early is incredibly appreciated, but anything earlier than 20 minutes shows a disrespect for their time and prior engagements. Arriving an hour early is totally fine, but STAY IN THE CAR and practice your interview questions! We've seen candidates show up earlier than 30 minutes to interviews, which leaves an unsettling feeling for the interviewer as they now feel inclined to rush through their prior engagements to not make you wait.
For online interviews, a good rule of thumb is to prep and "arrive" around 5 minutes early to the interview to test for audio, video, and internet connection. You also want to be sure you are in front of a plain, distraction free setting. Zoom also offers virtual backgrounds to eliminate the potential for distractions during the call.
When they ask you if you have any questions at the end of the interview, come prepared with one or two different questions to ask the interviewer. Some questions might include: "what is your favorite and least favorite parts of the job?; based off of my interview, do you think there is anything I would not be qualified for in this role? Why not and how might I better clarify further?," and "would you recommend your family or friends to work here?" Asking questions doesn't need to be super in depth, but gives you a better idea of what the company culture and everyday life might look like. Also, if asking someone if they would refer their friends and family is a great way to see how their employees feel about the company as well!
Need help in compiling questions to ask? We're here to help!
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