How Can You Create Healthy Habits When Working In A Hybrid or Remote Job?
By Katie Majewski
Remote Work, TipsLet’s face it, working remotely is a great option to have for employees and contractors in the modern workforce. But there are challenges. According to the global B2B software experts at Medical News Today:
Working from home can be beneficial in many ways, but it can also present several physical, mental, and social challenges. Health tips for those working from home include wellness fundamentals, such as eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise. However, it is also important to address the psychological and social challenges of remote working, such as loneliness and blurred lines between a person’s job and home life.
This post will discuss several simple options to make your virtual work experience healthier and more fulfilling.
So, where is a good place to get started?
Don’t be too accessible—set boundaries.
When your home is also your office, the lines between work and personal privacy can get blurred. Don’t let them. Your home office is not a 24X7 call center.
We suggest a simple rule of thumb: Establish your accessibility boundaries and stick to them. This means responding to requests for meetings, responding to emails and other communications channels, phone calls, etc.
Knowing that you have established work/personal boundaries will go a long way to help your personal and professional state of mind.
Stay connected to your fellow employees and your team.
Schedule regular informal meet-ups—virtual and in-person. Management and staff need to stay connected. Virtual happy hours are a great place to start.
Happy hours are one of the tried-and-true ways that workers have always gotten to know each other better. Virtual happy hours are a thing now. They can be fun and personally rewarding.
You can forge workplace friendships and collegial relationships for a lifetime, and some after-work socializing can be a great place to start.
Take regular breaks, move around and eat healthy.
So you’ve established guardrails around your accessibility, you’re staying connected to your coworkers, and you’re feeling good about your remote work environment. Excellent!
Now it’s time to make sure you’re maintaining your physical health. You’re at home, so there’s no excuse not to have healthy foods in your fridge for lunch and breaks. Drink plenty of water, and go for a 20 or 30-minute walk during the day whenever possible.
Five or ten-minute stretch workouts are also a great way to get moving. Try to keep these breaks regular and scheduled, so you rarely miss them. Give a few of these suggestions a try, and we’re sure you’ll be glad you did!
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