Here Are Your Top Three Resume Tips for 2021

We’ve all heard the saying that resume tips are a dime a dozen. We disagree. Hiring and HR managers are looking for candidates who stand out. A few simple pointers can help you stand out in the crowd. And getting noticed is your first step toward landing your dream job.
We recommend that you use some kind of professional resume service to help you build your actual resume. There are some great online services out there, like Zety and MyPerfectResume to name just a few. Just go with the service that you’re most comfortable with.
Depending on where you are in your career and your job search process, you can spend as little as $100 to get a great basic structure and format for your resume from a professional. And that is money very well spent.
You can also get some great tips for free, from great recruiters like us!
This post will arm you with these 3 great tips to help you build an attention-getting resume that will make you stand out as a job candidate:
  • Be Concise and Use Impeccable Formatting
  • Modify Your Resume for Specific Jobs When Applicable
  • You Want to Stand Out!
So let’s get started!
Be Concise and Use Impeccable Formatting
With job descriptions and personal summaries, keep them short but descriptive and creative. You’ll want to spend time on this. Remember, generally speaking, shorter is better!
Make sure your resume is formatted appropriately. Your resume writer will help you with the perfect structural and aesthetic format. Make it personal and visually appealing.
In addition to the structural format, some companies, job boards, etc., will prefer certain document formats, like pdf, docx, etc. Job boards may also suggest using their online format when applying on their platform, which is perfectly acceptable.
Expect to have multiple resumes, with multiple formats, for your job search.
The format can make or break certain aspects of your job search, so make sure you pay close attention and get it right.
Modify Your Resume for Specific Jobs When Applicable
Most companies and job boards use applicant tracking systems, or ATS’s. These software applications create searchable databases of candidates based on skill sets and other parameters.
Hiring managers and HR professionals are looking to screen job seekers and applicants that match the skills they’re looking for as closely as possible.
Always modify your resume to match the hiring company’s job description as closely as possible, whenever it’s appropriate.
You Want to Stand Out!
You will stand out to the ATS software if you’ve modified your resume according to the job description, used the proper format, etc.
You will stand out with the hiring manager or HR team visually, with a great, aesthetically appealing structural resume format.
So what’s next?
Job hunting is always easier when you have a great recruiter, who already has great employers looking for candidates just like you, before you even get started with your job search!
At mCubed Staffing, we help clients just like you find that perfect job every day. We might just have a great employer looking for a great candidate like you right now.
Call us today at (248) 817-2243, or get in touch online. Our expert recruiters are waiting for your call