Empowering Your Remote Team - How to Keep Connected During COVID-19
By Katie Majewski
Tips for Staying Connected to Your Team During a Pandemic

Have Designated Teams Working on Same Schedule
When we're all on different schedules, it's hard to get anything done! While we understand that parents are presented with unique challenges in helping their children connect remotely, it's often beneficial to try to coordinate schedules with your team to allow for synchronous communication. This has helped lead to higher productivity for some remote teams.
Engage Regularly in Meetings, Online Events and Contests
While working on the same schedule is a nice way to feel more connected with your coworkers, it might not be possible to do! Another great way to feel more connected with your team is to ensure you're meeting regularly (with video)! Connecting with your coworkers through different virtual events is a great way to help encourage collaboration and familiarize new members with the rest of the team.
Some companies have been getting creative in trying to stay connected through virtual talent shows, book clubs, game nights, spirit weeks, happy hours and more! In a Linkedin Talent Blog article, these 5 companies are redefining what it means to stay and feel connected with their teams during COVID-19. If you're unsure of what to do, ask your employees for help in suggesting ways they're willing to help increase collaboration and communication amongst their teams.
Regularly Provide Feedback
While it may be more challenging to know what your employees are doing during work hours, it's important to set up goals and prepare regular coaching opportunities or sessions to allow them to continue to grow. Quarterly reviews might seem like a thing of the past, but it's important to continue to provide feedback to your employees. Frequent and constructive feedback are essential ingredients to an employee's success and motivation to help grow the business.
Ask Your Employees Where They're Feeling Unsure or Overwhelmed
Remember that this is an unprecedented time in history so the feeling of overwhelm or uncertainty is common among many people. Ask your employees where they're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of and try to communicate your plans, thoughts, and ideas for improvements as clearly as possible. If you don't have methods for improvement, lean in to your employees and ask for suggestions on where you can improve. Just because something has worked in the past, doesn't mean it will work through a global pandemic.
Have Questions? Reach out to us!
Have any questions about how you can help motivate and connect with your teams while working remotely? Send us an email to info@mCubedStaffing and let us know what areas you're struggling in. We're here to help in any way we possibly can!