Back To The Basics: Job Search Pointers To Keep In Mind

We Get this question all the time from candidates: Why is job hunting so complicated?
The answer is it shouldn’t be. In fact, if your job search seems overly complex and unfruitful, you’re probably doing something wrong.
In this post, we’ll discuss three essential, simple tips to keep your job search on the right track.
We agree with the job board giants at Indeed that your search for a great job should be more about applying and interviewing than searching!
These three tips are inextricably linked. So let’s start with one of the most fundamental elements of job hunting.
Set realistic employment goals based on a self-assessment.
You might be looking for a new job because you aren’t currently employed, or maybe you’re looking for a change of scenery. Regardless of the reason, you need to be realistic about your capabilities.
We cover the basic principles of self-evaluation in a previous post. It’s not a bad thing to want to advance your career. But you need to apply for jobs inside your skills and experience sweet spot to be successful.
Not knowing your limitations will lead to the frustration of getting passed over for interviews.
Set realistic expectations also based on accurate employment data.
Know your job market. Stay open to relocation or remote work if your preferred geographic work location is not a good target. You might live in a large urban area or a smaller city or town where employment opportunities for your skill set and experience are not readily available.
And that’s OK. CNBC points out that remote work opportunities are still rising, especially for technology workers. That trend looks like it will continue. As part of your self-evaluation, you’ve also decided whether relocation is an option.
Know where your optimal potential pool of employers is.
Make sure you’re fishing in the right pond and using the right bait. Job hunters have to know how to locate the best pool of potential employers. Your resume also needs to align with the job description.
This part can be a bit tricky. It also has to be balanced with your desired work lifestyle and preferred work location, etc.
But wait a minute, we said job hunting should be easy, right? It should be. It just takes the right partner with the expertise, skill, knowledge, and experience to connect both sides of the hiring equation.
Don’t leave your next career move to chance. Engage with the professional recruiting team at mCubed.
We’ll take the time to get to know you, your strengths, and your career goals. We also have intimate knowledge of the best hiring companies and the overall hiring markets.
We can keep you out of the overcrowded web of job boards, job search engines, job aggregators, and career help sites.
Are you a candidate looking for a technology, engineering, or business operations job?
At mCubed Staffing, we help clients like you find that perfect job every day! We might just have a great employer looking for a great candidate with your skills, experience, and career goals.
Call us today at (248) 817-2243, or get in touch online. Our expert recruiters are waiting for your call.